


We offer various offers and promo codes. These are displayed on the Home Page, Product Pages and at the time of Check out. You may use the appropriate offers and promo codes during the Check out to redeem it. You can use only one promo code at one time. In case of any clarifications please contact us at or chat with our Team using the Chat or WhatsApp. We reserve the right to update, change or replace any of these offer or promo code by updating and/or changing them on our website. referrals


We give discounts for pre-paid orders. The coupon codes are available on our Home page and Check Out Page. We give the pre-paid discount as an additional discount to honour those who pay us during placing the order. This discount can be added to any other offer you are entitled for. Please be careful to select the correct option during check out.


We will honour your referral and will give you a discount coupon only on the first successful purchase of order by the referral. This coupon will be only given to you after the 10 days of product delivery subject to no returns, exchanges and cancellations. In order to get the discount the referral person’s name, email ID and Mobile Number to our account first. We will send an email /SMS to the referral contact to accept it. The first order placed after the addition of referral by you will only be given the discount. We urge you not to share referrals of any person against any Govt policies and we shall not be liable for your actions legally.


We would like to collaborate with affiliates and influencers so that we reach maximum people and they know about the products. To collaborate or work with us , mail us at You can also reach us on our social media given below or Chat with us using the Chat or WhatsApp option in this page. 

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